Always Bet On Shitty Rape Jokes

Posted on June 15, 2011


In case you didn’t know, the Chinese Democracy of gaming, Duke Nukem Forever, has somehow managed to escape its way into the public, and it’s pretty horrible.  Reviews have complained about it being boring/playing like it was made in 1998/etc.  But they have also complained about this (skip to about 56 seconds in):

Holy shit.  I think we just hit the jackpot of horrible rape-related humor, trafficking in so many shitty ideas about rape that I don’t know where to begin.  But let’s break it down for a bit, shall we?

Here’s the situation, in case you haven’t been paying attention to this game at all (good call, that): at the beginning of this game, Duke is getting felated by these two twins as he beats his previous game.  Later on in the game, he comes across them having been abducted by aliens, and subsequently raped and tortured.

His response?  “You’re fucked!”  Sensitive, caring Duke there.

Of course, it actually gets worse, because then the twins talk about having to lose the baby weight from getting pregnant by an alien.  Because that is what should really be the concern.

There’s so much offensive horrible shit going on there that even Trenchbloat got offended by it.  Yeah, the guy that makes horrible racism and sexism into jokes regularly got offended by it.

Look, we all knew this game would be offensive.  Its predecessor was full of the kind of standard misogyny that was sadly commonplace in games then (and still largely is).  But holy shit, did it have to go this far?

Or, in the words of an equally disgusted fellow gamer player, “This is where you look at gamer culture and let it burn, realizing there are very good reasons why outsiders don’t respect your hobby.”